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Quizzes,  Assessments & Academic Achievements 

Quizzes & Assessments

Leadership Self-Assessments


Readiness for the Leadership Role
Total = 111


When I initially counted the results it didn't make sense due to the tentative interpretation of the scoring at the highest stopping at 100, however, then I realized that if some agreed strongly on all questions, that would result in a 125. That score says a lot and is still quite shocking, to me personally. I think the reason is that I have not consciously thought of myself as a leader so much as someone who is aspiring to be one.


The Leadership Experience Audit


8 out of 16 

This is was interesting. While it seems based on the score, I could be average, some of the items could potentially be more challenging than others. For example, I did check, "held a formal leadership position, such as vice president, department head, manager, assistant manager, team leader (me), group leader (me) or project manager (also me)", I did not check, "was captain or co-captain of an athletic team" because I have no desire to ever do such a thing. 


In reflection, these results gave me the awareness that the skills of being a leader, have become such a habit, that I am not even aware that I am often holding positions of leadership every day, through the actions I take such as organizing study groups and solving problems. Or even still through building relationships by mentoring team members, resolving conflicts, or allowing people to vent. 


Due to being goal-oriented, I often do not take time to "stop and smell the roses" as the cliché implies slowing down enough to appreciate and recognize the good. These assessments allowed me to do just that. 

How Self-Confident Are You?

Score: 61 = A high, desirable level of self-confidence 


I found this surprising as on the one hand, in my professional life I have received feedback that they would like to see me speak out more, be more assertive, and share more of my thoughts and opinions. Then, in my personal relationships, I find myself having difficulty effectively communicating. It is interesting to answer a list of questions, without prior knowledge and see what results it reveals. The situational aspect speaks to the true character of the person and without consciously realizing it, I am more confident in myself than I was aware of until now. 


Behaviors and Attitudes of a Trustworthy Leader
Fit Me = 11 
Middle = 8 
Does Not Fit Me = 1 


This assessment was interesting because while I found that I could relate to many of these statements, there were the 8 that I found myself heavily judging myself for previous times where it "Didn't fit me" but questioning, "Does it fit me now?" 


However, the most important point of this exercise is to realize where I need to work on myself to be a more trustworthy leader. As a result of this exercise, it reminded me of some old "safety" habits developed out of growing up in an unsafe environment where I had to always be in protection mode. Realizing this, the assessment gives me a great place to continue developing authentic, trustworthy relationships, intentionally. 

For example, a middle one that does not fit me yet is "appears relaxed and confident when explaining his or her side of a story" for as a leader it is important as your confidence exudes a level of trust to others. 


My Tendencies Toward Being a Proactive Personality


Score: 87 = Scores in this range suggest that you have about average tendencies toward being proactive. To enhance your success and have more fun in life, you might attempt to become more proactive. 

I found this surprising because I always thought of myself as being more proactive. Though I know that sometimes my proactiveness has to do with available resources. For example, one of the questions is how strongly I agree or disagree with fixing something I see is broken and personally, it depends. If I have the resources, am skilled, etc, then I will definitely do it, if not, I will make a note to do it when said resources are available. But then how do I really answer that questions?


As I go through this assessment, I find myself thinking much deeper about it than perhaps is intended. However, I still see the value of introspection. Career-wise, I find myself simply trying to understand organizational culture and follow that rhythm in some regard. Once I have found my place, my path, my groove, then I know I will have the confidence to appropriately become more proactive without annoying anyone. 


A Checklist of Behaviors and Attributes Reflecting Charisma 
Score: 14 = Applies Now / 1 = Does Not Apply


According to the interpretation, the more of these that apply, the charismatic I am perceived by others. I would agree with this. It is often my perceived charisma that gets me volunteered for leadership roles throughout my life. Through pure serendipity, our office took what's called the DiSC assessment where I scored highly in C for conscientiousness and many told me they expected me to be higher in I for Influence which validates my perceptions of how I am perceived according to this assessment. 


The Dual-Level Transformational Leadership (TFL) Scale 

Score: 18 out of 18 individual-focused TFL 
Score: 14 out of 14 Group-Focused TFL 

I did this assessment based on my current supervisor. I found it interesting but true by far. While there are always moments where we are not at our best, my supervisor overall is a very inspirational, charismatic, transformational leader with high level of emotional intelligence and intercultural awareness. I aspire to be an aspiring example as well.



Task-Oriented Attitudes and Behaviors 


Total = 10; 5 = Mostly Agree; 5 = Mostly Disagree 

According to this assessment, I am equally task-oriented and people-oriented. However, I know there are times when I find myself being heavy on one or the other depending on the outlook of the day such as a day full of meetings. Naturally, I would find myself nearly unable to get on task. I find it works just as naturally in reverse if I find myself on role in a task, I can seem like a "workaholic" and find it challenging to bounce from one mode to the other. Conscientiousness has helped me to be aware of this along with sometimes unwelcomed feedback. 


What Style of Leader Are You or Would You Be?
Score = 12


According to the interpretation, scoring 15 or higher says that I would be a participative leader. However, scoring a 5 or less says I would be an authoritarian leader. I agree with this interpretation as I have experienced swaying between the two as the role calls for it. For example, when I was volunteer coordinator I felt it was essential to participate in the work I was asking of the volunteers, however at times they would like for me to step in with a solution while I did other tasks that only I could do. 

I can see an opportunity for skill development provided by this assessment. I noticed on question 8 which states, "Differences of opinion in the workgroup are healthy." with which I genuinely do agree with, I found myself answering question 15 which states, "I dislike it intensely when a group member challenges my position on an issue." I choose mostly true because I do not like it when someone who's opinion I value disagrees with me. However, I am aware of that and find myself naturally curious of why. However, I think it is natural to feel discomfort when being challenged but if appropriate (and not legal or procedure related) we can always agree to disagree and save face, respectfully. I believe that is a mark of maturity. 


Entrepreneurial Thinking and Behavior
Score = 81

According to the interpretation, a score in my range says, "You most likely have average tendencies toward being an entrepreneurial personality. You probably would not enjoy a career filled with risk and uncertainty. 

I believe this to be insightful as I have recently contemplated whether to step more fully into my entrepreneurial desires of health coaching (take on more clients, create a group program, etc) or would the solid focus on my career lead to the success I crave? 

In the review of the assessment and my answers, it is interesting to see how if just a few of the questions I gave 4's such as "self employment fits (or would fit) my personality" or "I get excited thinking of a new idea for a product or service." became 5s that I would be borderline entrepreneurial. I see this more in terms of my level of confidence in myself is really the factor here in addition to how risk and change-averse I am. 


Measuring Your Situational Perspective
Score = 75


According to the assessment, based on my score "You have (or would have) a strong situational perspective as a leader and manager. While I often strongly agree with question 14 which states, "Whether a person is a young adult or old adult often influences the best approach to leading him or her." based on my experience of "growing up fast", I take the question with a grain of salt after I've had the opportunity to get to know a person. I believe we, as adults, are all adult-sized children navigating the world for the first time like everyone else, age simply is the expression of time we've had to experience life, and the decades to which we navigated that translate into the character we develop. I strongly believe in not judging someone based on first glance or first impressions. As to paraphrase the words of Disney's Shrek, we are all onions with layers to our being. 


Quality of Leader-Member Relations
Score: 11 = Agree; 1 = Disagree 


According to this assessment, "agreeing with nine or more statements suggests a high-quality leader-member exchange" which I find to be true. In my nearly nineteen years of work experience, I have experienced only a handful of such relationships. The one question I found myself disagreeing with is 12 which states, "I do my work for a supervisor that goes beyond what is specified by my job description." As I ponder on it, I believe I do but because I couldn't genuinely think of something that is extra besides professional development. Would that count? As a leader, I would say so but didn't feel it appropriate to measure against the job description. 


Checklist for Crisis Leadership
Score: 8 = Agree; 2 = Disagree 


According to this assessment, "agreeing with eight or more statements suggests (and your perception is accurate) high ability to deal with and lead others through a crisis." which I found evident during my mother's passing just last year. As the youngest, I managed crisis after crisis for my mother and two siblings with minimal help. It was extremely overwhelming, however, decisions needed to be made and were. A more light example is when I needed to change the aesthetics of the church for Christmas in less than four hours and limited volunteers and supplies. It turned out to be the more collaborative, fun, stressful yet most rewarding work I'd ever done. While I can manage a crisis, it is not something I would actively seek out to do. As a health coach, stress does more harm than good, especially if you don't enjoy the stress.  


"Leadership styles, behaviors and attitudes"


The Leadership Ethics Quiz
Score: 24 


Based on the score interpretation, if accurate is that of a highly ethical and trustworthy leader or potential leader. My ethics could be an asset as a leader. This test also described that most perceived themselves as more ethical than they would actually perform. As I reviewed the quiz a second time, I have the situational awareness to know that I questioned my ethics. When I reflected on the statement, "all things being equal, I would give higher performance evaluations to people of my own ethnic group or race" (Dubrin, p. 180), I found that I disagreed versus strongly agreed because I am aware I have a natural bias to potentially look more favorably upon someone whom I feel ethnically relatable to. However, that is the same awareness that allowed me to answer disagree to "avoid hiring someone into the workgroup who might become a competitor for my position". An emotional awareness that I could take it personally but I will choose not to objectively as best I can. 

The Air Force Character Attributes Checklist
Integrity = Average


I chose this because based on the definition described as: 


"Consistently adhering to a moral or ethical code or standard. A person who consistently chooses to do the right thing when faced with alternative choices." (Dubrin, 2016, p 185)


I want to believe that I really do this to a high standing, however, I know that there are times when a slight level of bias that naturally occurs if I am being hypercritical. I believe my integrity of the rules waver based on how just and civil the standards are. If measured against civil rights and justice I would aim high, but in an authoritarian world that violates another's existence, I would be divergent. 


Honest = Average 


I chose this because based on the definition described as: 


"Consistently being truthful with others." (Dubrin, 2016, p 185)


Being mindful of the natural self-serving bias nature of the test I went with average. In all cases, I believe my intention is, to be honest, and build relationships around trust. In reflection, I know there were times in my life where I had to choose between honesty and safety which is that of a different matter but still related to decision making (especially that of the uniformed forced). 


Loyalty = Average 


I chose this because based on the definition described as: 


"Being devoted and committed to one's organization, supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates." (Dubrin, 2016, p 185)


Being mindful of the natural self-serving bias nature of the test I went with average, instinctively I wanted to say high. I went with average because I know that my loyalty doesn't come easy however when it is there I would say it isn't easily swayed. 


Selflessness = Average 


I chose this because based on the definition described as: 


"Genuine concern about the welfare of others and a willingness to sacrifice one's personal interests for others and the organization." (Dubrin, 2016, p 185)


I believe that I do fit this definition most of the time. I have seen more altruistic examples that are sometimes convicting and making me question myself as a person like during major events like the Flint water crisis or the freak freezing weather and the woman who fundraised to put homeless people in hotel rooms for the night, but then I think of every tip I give to a hardworking or homeless person. The meals I have given or bought, kind gestures of paying it forward and I realize I do my part as much as one has the capacity to think, focus and do. 


Compassion = Average 

I chose this because based on the definition described as: 


"Concern for the suffering or welfare of others and providing aid or showing mercy for others.” (Dubrin, 2016, p 185)


Reference selflessness.


Competency = Average 


I chose this because based on the definition described as: 


"Capable of excelling at all tasks assigned. Is effective and efficient. (Dubrin, 2016, p 185)

Based on the definition, I think I am capable of excelling at all tasks. With the right habits and practice which is why I gave myself an average score. 


Respectfulness = High 


I chose this because based on the definition described as: 


"Shows esteem for and consideration and appreciation of other people." (Dubrin, 2016, p 185)

I have a high level of respect for all I encounter. I express gratitude, appreciation, and consideration of others regularly. 


Fairness = Average

I chose this because based on the definition described as: 


"Treats everyone in an equitable, impartial, and just manner." (Dubrin, 2016, p 185)


Responsibility and Self-Discipline = High


I chose this because based on the definition described as: 


"Can be depended on to make a rational and logical decision and to do tasks assigned. Can perform tasks assigned without supervision." (Dubrin, 2016, p 185)


In my most current role, I am left to make many important decisions that must be rational, follow policy, are logical and often without supervision. Performance reviews tell me I perform high in this area.


Decisiveness = Low


I chose this because based on the definition described as: 


"Capable of making logical and effective decisions in a timely manner. Makes good decisions promptly after considering data appropriate to the decision.”  (Dubrin, 2016, p 185)


If provided with too many options I have a tendency to get analysis paralysis and need support making a decision which is why I chose low. If required to make a decision, I can be pressured to. I just may not feel confident I made the best choice under pressure. 


Spiritual appreciation = High 


I chose this because based on the definition described as: 


"Values the spiritual diversity among individuals with different backgrounds and cultures and respects all individuals’ rights to differ from others in their beliefs.” (Dubrin, 2016, p 185)


I value the spiritual diversity of others' backgrounds and cultures. I have a natural curiosity and desire to learn the framework others were brought up in. I enjoy comparing differences and similarities among cultures and backgrounds to develop understanding. 


Cooperativeness = High 


I chose this because based on the definition described as: 


"Willing to work or act together with others in accomplishing a task towards a common end or purpose." (Dubrin, 2016, p 185)


I enjoy working as a team to accomplish a task. I am motivated by the collaboration of others which is why I chose high standing. 


Empowering Attitudes and Beliefs


I really only found myself having to work on or develop the attitude that "instead of demanding immediate results, the leader should give group members the time to develop the needed information or skill" because of my own personal way of operating. Any of the attitudes and beliefs assume a sense of the line of sight and direction, autonomy in the employees, and gentle reminders of support. I enjoy being empowering, supportive, and optimistic whenever possible. 


The Positive Organizational Politics Questionnaire 
Score = 18


Based on the score interpretation, I have an above-average tendency to play office politics; the strong need for power. I agree with the above-average tendency, but I do not agree with power. However, many say knowledge is power and if that is true then that is a definition I agree with. I do not seek to acquire power for any personal interest other than to have awareness of my surrounding as changes occur, things shift, ebb and flow. I believe this awareness and transparency in a company allows for change to feel less traumatic and more acceptable over time. 


The Blunder Quiz
Total: "Agree" = 1 ; "Disagree" = 14


Based on the score interpretation, the greater number of statements agreed with, the more prone to political blunders that can damage one's career. Due to some early career blunders, relationship fallouts, and the like, I learned office politics well and early. Additionally, having experienced backstabbing, gossip, and abuse of power, it was easy to read through power play statements. All in all, I naturally am diplomatic.


Survey of Influence Tactics
Score: Very Infrequent = 4; Infrequent = 1; Sometimes = 4; Frequently = 7; Very Frequently = 4


According to the score interpretation, the more tactics used frequently or very frequently, the more influential one may be. Areas, where I perform very infrequently, are areas like joking or kidding with others to get a point across, threaten to go over someone's head, or posting a positive comment on the internet if someone does something in particular I like. In reflection, while I can see benefits for each of these things I believe there is a need for situational awareness, rapport, and emotional intelligence needed for each of those. I would only threaten to go over someone's head if necessary, luckily I have rarely ever had to do that or if I did, I already had a relationship with that person. I think that speaks to my ability to influence without the need to threaten someone because I use the areas I perform frequently or very frequently instead such as using facts and logic, negotiate, offer an ethically and morally appropriate favor, form an alliance, and compliment them regularly long before I may every need anything. 

In reflection, I would say that my assessment of influential tactics is appropriately balanced. 


Measure of Integrating Behavior in Organizational Settings (MIBOS) 
Score: 85 

According to the score interpretation, the more of these ingratiating behaviors one uses frequently or almost always, the more ingratiating you are. Based on my score, suggests a moderate degree of ingratiating behavior which is normal. It is even suggested the ingratiating yourself can also be a useful influence tactic and once that as a follower have greatly admired and respected my leaders. I believe that is a tactic I will take forward as the characteristic of humility. 


Team Player Attitudes
Score: 54

According to the score interpretation, scores between 46-60 have strong positive attitudes toward being a team member and working cooperatively with other members. In reflection, I found I was never neutral about anything. My lowest scoring answer was that due to the fact that I did not belong to teams or clubs since I was a child, however, I learned throughout my life that I thrive in groups. I have natural accountability to the people I work with yet, sometimes cannot muster the motivation alone. The awareness that I am a link of our team's performance and seeing that as a contributing factor of the health of our relationship and the team is the motivation outside of myself I need, in addition to a greater mission and purpose for our team's work.


How Meaningful Is My Work? 


I reflected on my roles as a health coach and financial aid administrator. In both roles, I feel the time flies by without me noticing. Both roles give me as much pleasure as in my favorite pastime. The work I do really helps other people. The work I do have a positive impact on society. I often feel totally absorbed in my work. I can get myself excited about both as easily as I can dread it. I discover something new and interesting about my job almost every week. My job fills me with energy because it is so exciting. It would make me sad to let my coworkers down. I put a lot of mental and physical energy into my jobs. I often feel guilty when I am too sick to come into work, having to remind myself that no one can pour from an empty cup. I don't care if many celebrities earn much more money than I because my work is very important. I throw myself into my work. And I wholeheartedly believe that my areas of work give me great purpose.

Based on my answers, the scoring interpretation says my work is quite meaningful and if my attitude persists, I should have a long and rewarding career. I agree and look forward to a satisfying career in financial aid and health coaching.


How Much Do I Crave Recognition? 


I am neutral in that I keep almost every plaque, medal, or trophy I have ever received on display in my living quarters. I keep those that I am most proud of on display and keep the smaller ones as personal sentiments. I would strongly agree that I feel a warm glow each time somebody praises my efforts, genuinely. I would strongly agree that someone telling me "nice job," makes my day. I would strongly disagree that when I compliment someone that I would be really looking for a compliment in return. I disagree strongly that I would rather win an employee-of-the-month award than receive a $100 bonus for my good work. I disagree that if I had the resources to make a large donation to charity, I would never make it anonymously as I would more likely make it anonymous, depending on the charity. Think back to my childhood, I strongly agree that I adored receiving a gold star or similar acknowledgment from my teacher for my good work. I strongly disagree that I would rather be designated as Time magazine's Person of the Year than be one of the world's richest people. I agree that I do love to see my name in print or electronically. I am neutral around whether or not I receive the respect I deserve. I strongly disagree with checking my name regularly on the internet to see how often it shows up.

Based on my answers, the score (31) interpretation says I have an average need for recognition and do not require constant reminders that I have done a job well done. 


Characteristics of an Effective Coach 


Listening skill as an area of improvement - My action plan for this would be not trying to finish other's sentences & allowing for quiet in conversations such as a pause the length of a good deep breath. Practice more active listening.


Interest in the development of group members - As a leader, I will need to focus on my staff or team. As a leader, I will need to see their growth as my growth. My action plan is to see how I can support my team members move forward personally or professionally without expecting anything in return, in my current role. 

Interest in people's potential - Currently I do this in health coaching by seeing the potential my clients have to be healthy and feel better in their bodies. As a team member in financial aid, I have not had the interest however, if I anticipate leading a team I must care about their development and growth as it is a reflection upon me. 


The Creative Personality Test


I find it mostly true that I think it is generally a waste of time to read magazine articles, internet articles, and books outside my immediate field of interest. However, I do enjoy doing so when I have the free time or am out of my element. When in Rome, as some would say. I find it mostly true that I frequently have the urge to suggest ways of improving the products and services I use. When I was younger, I believed taking an elective course outside my major was a time-waster, however, now I know that I needed that and believe that to be mostly false now. I would say it is mostly false that I am a person with strong convictions. What is right is right; what is wrong is wrong. I believe is most things having relevancy and that is the purpose for discernment. I used to not enjoy it when my boss hands me vague instructions but now I see the opportunity to do it my way and get suggestions later. My natural problem-solving mind finds it mostly true that making order out of chaos is actually fun when it works. I find it mostly false that only under extraordinary circumstances would I deviate from my To-Do list (or other ways in which I plan my day). It is mostly false that I often use search engines other than Google just to explore something different. I find it mostly false that rules and regulations should not be taken too seriously. However, I do believe that it is mostly true that most rules can be broken under unusual circumstances. I find it mostly true that playing with an idea is fun even if it does not benefit me in the end. I find it mostly true that some of my best ideas have come from building on the ideas of others. I find it mostly false that in writing, I try to avoid the use of unusual words and word combinations. I find it mostly false that I job down improvements in the job i would like to make in the future, but something I plan on doing going forward. It is mostly false that I prefer to stay with technology devices I know well rather than frequently updating my equipment or software. I find it mostly true that I prefer writing personal notes or poems to loved ones rather than relying on greeting cards. It is mostly true that at one time or another in my life, I have enjoyed doing puzzles. I believe it is mostly false that if your thinking is clear, you will find the one best solution to a problem. I have personally found that I have solved another problem, entirely unrelated to what I am doing while working on something else. I believe it is mostly false to think that it is best to interact with coworkers who think much like me. I believe it is mostly true I would readily accept an assignment to a new product development committee. I believe it is mostly false that tight controls over people and money are necessary to run a successful organization. 

Based on my score (17-18) interpretation says extremely high and low scores are the most meaningful. As my score rises above 15, it suggests that my personality and attitudes are similar to those of creative people, including creative leaders. For many years I did not believe I was creative until I started paying attention to the feedback of people soliciting my advice or ideas for things. As well, I believe I have made it a point to think outside the box as much as possible. 

Presentations & Major Papers

Presentations & Papers
Food Desert Mobile Delivery
LDR 606 - Entrepreneurship
Effective Leadership Styles
MBA 602 - Organizational Behavior
Sears, Robuck & Company Group Project
MBA 602 Organizational Behavior
Sears, Robuck & Company Case Study
MBA 602 Organizational Behavior
Position Paper
MBA 602 - Organizational Behavior
Personal Dashboard
LDR 610 - Career Development & Menotoring
Tech Company Team Project
LDR 630 - Org Culture & Communication
The Corporation & External Stakeholders
LDR 604 - Ethics & Social Justice
Strategic Academic Career Plan
LDR 610 - Career Development & Menotoring
The Corporation & External Stakeholders
LDR 604 - Ethics & Social Justice
Strategic Academic Career Plan
LDR 610 - Career Development & Menotoring
Exploring the Nature & Importance of Leadership
LDR 604 - Ethics & Social Justice
Leadership & Teaming 
LDR 636 - Teaming & Decision Making
Literature Review
LDR 602 - Research & Professional Writing 
Literature Review
LDR 602 - Research & Professional Writing 
M6 Simulation & Reflection
LDR 660 - Strategic Leadership
The Leadership Profile 
LDR 695 - Capstone

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